Friday, 13 June 2014

The difference we make and why I need your support

The Beating Bowel Cancer nurses - Louisa, Jenny, Gill & Gary
Eight weeks this Sunday I will be out there cycling 100 miles in the Prudential Ride London for Beating Bowel Cancer.  Every mile will be dedicated to the memory of those we have lost and to all those affected by bowel cancer in so many ways. I hope to include as many of these names as possible on my ride shirt on the day.
I am immensely proud of the work Beating Bowel Cancer does.  We do a huge amount to beat the UK's second biggest cancer killer. One service I am particularly proud of is our nurse helpline - the only one for bowel cancer patients. What our nurses do makes a difference. For example, our nurse Gary recently spent an hour and a half on the phone with one patient, listening, providing information and reassurance, and discussing possible treatment options. That call made a huge difference to the person at the other end. It is just one example of the difference we make.
We are there for patients every day. We help and support thousands every year. That is why I have set my ambitious goal to raise £10,000 by taking part in Ride London. This sum will be a significant help towards funding our vital services.
I would like your support. £300 could run our nurse helpline for a day. £100 could enable our patient volunteers to talk to local groups to raise awareness. £50 could cover the cost of running our online patient forum for a day, where patients talk to each other, providing support and reassurance. If you can, please be generous and donate via

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