Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Why our "family" matters

It was the much missed Alison Selfe who referred to us - the charity, its supporters, those who talk to each other on twitter, Facebook and our online, forum -  as her "bowel cancer family".  Whilst we all have our own families whom we love, Alison's description said something very real that I certainly strongly identify with.

Through Beating Bowel Cancer I have met individuals whom I would never have met.  Some are "survivors" (personally not sure about that word).  Some are current "fighters" (don't like that word).  All are very strong individuals, usually because they have had the need to be "strong" thrust upon them by this awful cancer.  Every one has taught me something that has not just, I hope, made me better at and more determined in my role as Chief Executive, but has also given me something that puts my personal life in perspective.

We all get annoyed with other drivers (don't you?), or when you trip over the cat, or when the month seems to be longer than the funds available.   But, just now and again, myself and my other half, Karen, remind ourselves that others face/have faced real challenges and that we need to enjoy life as much as possible because it is very precious.  I remember Jane Bardsley saying to me that is ok for other people to have bad days and to get grumpy, even to complain at just having the common cold, but where we can we should also try and count the good things too, even if just once in a while.

So, the sun is shining outside, I am feeling virtuous/smug because I went to the gym four days out of five and my daughter is coming over this weekend.  These are good things.  Enjoy your good things too.  X

If you want help and information about bowel cancer please go to:

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